“We have both grown up with dogs and had several dogs of our own, we consider ourselves to be fairly experienced owners.

We contacted Ingrid after we got our Lurcher, Chance, he wasn’t badly behaved by any means however he did have an unhealthy interest in livestock. We live in an area surrounded by farms and despite trying we had been unable to solve the problem so we knew we needed help and found Ingrid online.

Ingrid was really helpful and explained the training services available. Although we only had a problem with livestock we did the full training package as we thought this would be more beneficial.

The training has really paid off and we now have the most obedient dog we have ever owned, he will walk to heal off the lead and we have total confidence that  we have him under control around livestock. This obviously does not happen over night, it takes hard work and commitment and is an on going process that needs to become a way of life.

Even experienced dog owners will learn a great deal from Ingrid and I would highly recommend Ingrid to anyone looking for professional dog training services”

Simon & Lindsay & Chance

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