Lulu is a 4 year old Sprocker with the predictable amount of energy! Last year I took her beating, this was the first full season, fair to say it was exhausting. I was used to our lovely Labrador Peggy (also in the picture) who is retiring this year from 10 years of perfect shooting field behaviour.

Lulu is well behaved at home out walking but put her on the shooting field the picture changes she goes deaf and would give a greyhound a run for its money.  I met Ingrid at Reeth Show and after a quick informal chat it was clear Ingrid knew exactly my problem and how to cure it.  We made an appointment and went up to her ‘training area’, it was a amazing within the hour and half both Lulu and I had learnt a whole new way of operating, which has continued at home. Ingrid is a no nonsense trainer which is absolutely vital when dealing with tricky dog, her instructions were clear and made sense, she has an obvious love of dogs which they understand immediately and respond positively.

I am looking forward to the shooting season now confident that Lulu’s name isn’t going to be echoing across fields and woods

Lesley Makin, & Lulu

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